
Maintain and repair your watch


Peinahai watch daily maintenance tips

时间:2021-06-13 16:08:29


       Peinahai watch daily maintenance tips, today Beijing peinahai after sales service center for you to share daily maintenance tips. As a well-known Swiss watch, penahai watch is famous for its precise travel time and good quality. As the saying goes, Buddha depends on gold, people depend on clothes, as we often use the watch is no exception. We need to know some precautions and how to maintain the watch.

       We need to pay attention to watch waterproof when we use panahai hand. We try not to take the watch to the place where there is too much water or the air is very wet, so as to avoid the influence of water on the accuracy of the watch. We also need to pay attention to the antimagnetism and shockproof of the wristwatch. When using, we should try to avoid contacting the large electrical appliances that generate magnetic field, so as to avoid the wristwatch from being extremely impacted.

Peinahai watch daily maintenance tips

       Watch strap should also pay attention to maintenance, summer try not to take to do strenuous exercise, to timely clean up the stains on the watch, keep the appearance of peinahai watch clean. Watch to minimize contact with cosmetics, camphor pills, so as not to make watch oil deterioration, thereby reducing the life of the watch, affect the normal use.

       Apart from daily maintenance, peinahai wristwatch also needs to be thoroughly maintained at the wristwatch repair shop every 1-2 years, so as to further reduce the probability of wristwatch problems and prolong its life. For peinahai wristwatch, if there are problems such as water, running and stopping, or scratches on the watch, it is recommended to go to the professional Beijing peinahai after-sales service center to repair the wristwatch.

       Peinahai watch daily maintenance tips, watches are precision jewelry, in order to avoid being cheated or causing irrecoverable damage to the watch, if you need maintenance service, please refer to the regular Beijing peinahai after-sales service center. Beijing peinahai after-sales service center is a high-end watch service center, with a number of professional senior maintenance technicians.


本文链接: http://www.beijing-panerai.cn/panerai_maintenance/454.html

下一篇:Daily maintenance of peinahai Watch


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